4/15/2003 --- 2.1.9

  • Tool Window's navigation look can now be altered. A combinations of Label/No Label with No/Small/Large icons can be setup in Tool Window Preference Panel.
  • Modified the way feed updates are handled for better performance.
  • Fixed the 'sticky' interface problem where a control or menu would not act when clicked on without moving the mouse or pressing a key.
  • The interface is now much more responsive.
  • Fixed bug where the Zoom Selection button in the Animation Window would not de-activate when Zoom Selection was turned off in the Replay menu.
  • Sheet backgrounds are now drawn correctly.
  • Fixed the aliasing flicker in navigation bars.
  • Modified tool panels in the Tools Window to use the screen real estate more efficiently.
  • Fixed the Disk Space status to display the correct available disk space on systems with large drives.
  • Fixes problems with QuickTime Video's Feed Transformations.
  • Fixed problem with Feed and Capture plugins not being correctly initialized when capture sources are fixed without restarting FrameThief.
  • Many other minor fixes.
1/14/2003 --- 2.1.8
  • Maintenance release for the DSC plugin.
  • Sheets are now used for some dialogs under OS X.
  • Fixes erratic scrolling problems in the Tool and Status windows.
11/24/2002 --- 2.1.7
  • Maintanence release for the DSC plugin.
  • Code cleanup.
10/6/2002 --- 2.1.6
  • Known Issue: When using a high capture resolution and the file format is set to PICT, FrameThief will crash upon capturing a frame. This seems to be a bug in QuickTime and present on all versions of Mac OS X. This bug does not effect FrameThief when capturing at lower resolutions or when a different file format is used.
  • Slightly altered the way FrameThief times feed updates.
  • Added the ability to set the high-quality flag on the replay. This should help when using DV as the compressor for the replay.
  • Added the ability to convert arbitrary frame sequences into QuickTime movies. This removes the need to use FrameSplicer on sequences that do not have projects in FrameThief (i.e. when compiling DSC sequences that were initially captured in a proprietary format and then batch converted to a standard format).
  • Open and Close dialogs are now movable.
  • Miscellaneous fixes to the replay and audio sync functionality.
9/30/2002 --- 2.1.5 (Not-Released)
  • Improved compatibility with Jaguar.
  • Added the ability to stop timelapse capture using Command+.
  • Added more status information to the timelapse tool panel.
  • Removed the Shoot-On preference in the Timelapse Plugin Preference Panel.
  • Fixed Precision Timelapse crash problem.
  • Standard timelapse capture now skips frames instead of aborting capture if capture times are longer than the delay.
9/22/2002 --- 2.1.4
  • Added the ability to disable the resolution mismatch warning in the Status Window (QuickTime Video Preferences)
  • Added the ability to disable the saving and restoring of video settings (QuickTime Video Preferences). This resolves an incompatibility with the Orange Micro iBot under OS X when using a combination of iBot driver version 1.0.3 and QuickTime 5.
  • Slightly changed the way FrameThief connects to the video sources for better compatibility with older capture devices under OS 9.2.
9/5/2002 --- 2.1.3
  • Convert QuickTime Movie to DV Stream is now available regardless whether or not any frames have been captured.
  • Added an updated version of FrameSplicer to the distribution archive.
  • Some fixes for the upcoming OS X DSC Plugin.
9/5/2002 --- 2.1.2
  • Resolved a problem recently introduced related to the preferences dialog crashing and some other abnormalities.
9/4/2002 --- 2.1.1
  • Adjusted default Repay settings for higher quality.
----------- Beta Period Over --------------
8/15/2002 --- 2.1.0b6 Beta Revision Release
  • When changing Animation Settings without being connected to a video source, the program quits.
  • Animation Settings Dialog and the Frame Files Preferences now check for certain characters that may cause a problem under Mac OS or other operating systems (i.e. ':', '/', '\').
8/12/2002 --- 2.1.0b5 Beta Revision Release
  • Timelapse plugin being expired on install.
  • Better replay speed when starting playback from the feed frame.
  • Looping a selection in the middle replay does not display the feed frame.
  • Improved frame sequence support (for future features).
  • Miscellaneous other minor issues.
  • Recent Projects menu is now greyed out if no previous projects exist.
  • Registration information is now saved when upgrading FrameThief.
  • Code cleanup.
6/4/2002 --- 2.1.0b4 Beta Revision Release
  • (OS X) Replay menu not updating if the replay position was changed using hotkeys.
  • (OS X) Menu inaccessibility problem if all windows are hidden.
  • Disabled the option of hiding the Animation Window.
  • Added option to disable the progress bar during capture (General Preferences). Disabling the progress bar allows for faster capture times. As a side effect of this modification, if you have changed any preferences in the General or General Hotkeys preference panels, you will need to make the changes again.
  • Improved capture speed by about 30%. (Not related to the above change)
5/28/2002 --- 2.1.0b3 Beta Revision Release
  • Increased QuickTime Video plugin's fault tolerance towards video sources and drivers that do not fully comply with the QuickTime standard.
5/27/2002 --- 2.1.0b2 Beta Revision Release
  • Harmless error when canceling out of the Frame File Compression dialog.
  • Error (-43) when trying to bring up Replay Compression dialog under certain conditions.

5/26/2002 --- 2.1.0b1 Beta Revision Release
  • Problem launching projects from the Finder if FrameThief was never previously run.
  • Problem with FrameThief occasionally no seeing projects when opening projects.

5/24/2002 --- 2.1.0 Initial Beta Release
Known Issues:
  • (OS X/PowerBook/DV Camera/FireWire Card) During long periods of user inactivity, OS X will deactivate the FireWire card causing FrameThief to loose the video connection to the DV device. This occurs even if Timelapse capture is being performed. Possible workaround: Set the sleep inactivity timeout to 'Never' in the Energy Saver control panel. This problem seems to effect all video application using the same hardware configuration. Severity: Moderate
  • (OS X) QuickTime Video plugin displays the Compression tab in the Video Source and Settings dialog. This is a bug in QuickTime for OS X. Severity: Mild
  • (OS X) During the drawing of the selected cell of a table (i.e. Tool Navigation Bar, Preferences Navigation Bar, Video Source selection table) the user may see a brief period when the text and icon of the cell is not draw correctly. Severity: Mild
  • Menu items in the help menu do not respond when a dialog is active (i.e. About Window or Preferences Window). Workaround: Close the dialog first. Severity: Mild
  • (5/26/02) If the FrameThief was never previously run and a project is launched through the Finder, FrameThief fails to initialize. Workaround: Delete the FrameThief 2.1 Settings from your preferences folder, start the FrameThief application. From then on, you should be able to launch projects from the Finder. Severity: Mild
  • (5/26/02) When opening projects, FrameThief occasionally fails to recognize project files. Workaround: Double-click on the project in the Finder or use the Recent Projects menu to open the project. Severity: Moderate
  • (OS X 5/26/02) If all windows (Animation, Tools, and Status) are hidden, certain operations such as capturing a frame may cause the menus become inaccessible. Workaround: Switch to another task (i.e. Finder) and then return to FrameThief. Menus should become operational again. Severity: Mild
  • (5/27/02) FrameThief displays an erroneous error message when canceling out of the Frame File Compression dialog. Severity: Mild
  • (5/27/02) Error (-43) when trying to bring up Replay Compression dialog under certain conditions. Severity: Moderate

Last Modified: 7/9/2006
Copyright 2006 FrameThief Inc.